Current Employees
Access Central
Thank you for choosing 蜜桃社!
HR Services
Visit the??for:
- Compensation and Service Calendars
- Employee Appraisal
- Leave of Absence
- Employee Handbook
- Personnel Policies
- Request for Service Records
- and more…
Visit the??for:
- Benefit options
- Health
- Prescriptions
- Dental
- Disability
- Vision
- Flexible spending
- Leave of Absence
- and more…
Accounts Payable
Work Perks
蜜桃社 partners with businesses which offers all staff discounts on a variety of services. Businesses must submit a Work Perks offer to Community Partnerships staff to be listed on the?.
Together We Can?is a preschool program available for 蜜桃社 staff.
Access Central
Use Access Central to connect to tools and applications on the district’s internal servers. These tools have been protected to ensure security and confidentiality.
- Data Central
- (more info on ESS)
- (formerly eSPED)
For admin purposes only , not for time entry- ?(Internal only)

Teacher Access Center (TAC)
?– Teacher Access Center
?(Internal Only)
(Internal Only)
Curriculum Tools
Send a R.O.A.R.
Do you know an extraordinary 蜜桃社 employee who deserves recognition?
Professional Development
Web Email
(Internal Only)
Mass Communication (eNews)
Training Documents
(Formerly known as Blackboard)
For campus admins only
is the place for the latest and greatest employee news and updates from HR Services and Benefits.
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News for You
Blogs by District Employees
TAG Line
TAG Line is a blog highlighting TAG Services. Find out what’s going on in our classrooms and other TAG news.
FortifiED is a cybersecurity blog that provides tips for staying safe online.