



Welcome and thank you for choosing 蜜桃社’s top-rated and highly-ranked schools.

If your PreK to grade 12 student(s) are new to our schools and reside within District attendance boundaries, please complete the NEW student enrollment form.

Are you looking for transfer information? Visit our in-district and out-of-district student transfer request information page.

  • Advanced Academics
  • Arts Integration Academies
  • Certified, caring teachers and administrators
  • Dual Language biliteracy
  • Leadership Academies
  • Project-based and service learning
  • And MORE

Welcome to 蜜桃社

A-Z Guide for attending schools in 蜜桃社

From bus schedules to meals, find important information about attending school in 蜜桃社.

Steps to enroll

2. Using your desktop or mobile device, create an online account for our secure enrollment portal, known as InfoSnap.

Use the same account to complete forms and upload documents for multiple children. Securely save your work and come back later to complete your student(s) enrollment, if necessary.

3. Complete your new student enrollment form.

Upload required documentation, including your student’s certified birth certificate, immunization records, proof of residence within the school district boundaries, the last report card or withdrawal form from the prior school district (if available), and the student’s Social Security Card (if available).

Upload documents: Image files need to be in JPG, GIF, PNG, or TIF format and smaller than 2.5MD. Files over 2.5MB are usually too large to upload.

  • Click “Upload Photo/Document”
  • The Upload Photo/Document Modal will pop up
  • Click “Choose File”
  • Select a file from your computer you would like to upload.
  • Click “Open”
  • Click “Upload”
  • A green check in the photo/document upload field indicates that you have successfully uploaded your document.
  • Once you complete and submit your enrollment if you need to make changes, please?contact your campus registrar.

蜜桃社 News

Find all the great news and events happening in our schools and around the District.

District Recognitions

We’re proud of our award-winning public schools: view achievements, distinctions, and rankings earned by 蜜桃社 staff and students.