A playful new adaptation of Jane Austen’s beloved novel follows the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the Dashwood sisters—sensible Elinor and hypersensitive Marianne—after their father’s sudden death leaves them financially destitute and socially vulnerable. When reputation is everything, how do you follow your heart? This performance is appropriate for all audiences. Tickets may be purchased through?/
Is the event in-person or virtual?
If this is a virtual event, is preregistration or RSVP required?
What is the preregistration/RSVP link?
Department name/Campus location
Westwood Big Black Box Theatre
Event address. Include complete street address, city and zip code.
12400 Mellow Meadow Dr. Austin. TX 78750
Is there a cost to attend?
If there is an admission fee. What is the cost per person?
$7.00 adults/ $5.00 students
Are tickets available online? If so, include the purchase link.